His extensive experience includes producing, curating, and installing exhibitions, with roles ranging from technician and art handler to producer and curator.
clement.brd (at) gmail.com
- Lecture DRIFT festival w/ Azar Saiyar Mutatis Mutandis: Narratives and sense of belonging through the lens of Landscape in visual art. - Helsinki,
September 2024- Lecture ViCCA graduation show - in collaboration with HIAP - Presentation of Mutatis Mutandis - Helsinki, August 2024
- Mutatis Mutandis - On new landscape narrative in Visual Art - Finland - 2023 - Ongoing
- Helsinki Biennale - Art mediation tour - Curatorial collaborator with ViCCA- 2023
- Programmer for Format Court festival - Paris, France - 2020 & 2021
- The Surplus, reimagining care, sound and place through Curatorial practices of sharing - Helsinki & Online - 2022
- Belonging to the Story - The Finnish Photography Museum - Helsinki (co-curated with Tiina Rauhala & Reetta Harajoki) - 2019
- Antroposeeni - Maa-tila Gallery - Helsinki (with Minna Nurmi) - 2017
- Freelance curator 2023 - ongoing
- Freelance technician for Taidehalli, HAM and Finnish Photography Museum 2019 - ongoing
- Producer in exhibition team at Aalto University - 2024 - 2025
- Assistant curator in exhibition department in Helsinki Art Museum (HAM) - 2022
- Main technician (Museomestari) at Helsinki Art Museum (HAM) & Helsinki Biennale - 2020 - 2021
- Young curator & producer at Finnish Photography Museum - 2018 - 2019
- Direction of Photo/Cinema club at French school of Helsinki (Jules Verne) - 2017 - 2019
- Writer & producer / formatcourt.com & Format Court festival, France - 2015 - 2021
- Technician for Taka Ishii gallery (2014-16), JKG gallery (2015-16), Paris B gallery (2012-14) - Paris, France
- Gallery assistant & technician at Polka Gallery - Paris, France - 2009 - 2014
Selected art exhibitions
- (Collective exhibition) "+-5" - Pallas gallery - 14.7 - 12.08.2023 Tartu, Estonia- (Collective exhibition) ELON KIERRE - Viikki Research Farm - 11-13.11.2022 Helsinki
- (Personal exhibition) "STRIATUM» - The shifting baseline" part 2. Kalleria Gallery - 05-16.02.2020 Helsinki
- (Personal exhibition) "STRIATUM» - The shifting baseline" part 1. Third Space gallery - 15-24.01.2020 Helsinki
- (Collective exhibition) "OSCAR" with Adam Monaghan - Gallery Bokvillan - 05.01 - 20.02.2020 Helsinki
- (Personal exhibition) "OSCAR" Photography solo exhibition - French Institute of Finland - Helsinki - 12.11- 21.12.2018
- (Collective exhibition) Video installation "Nukun metsälle" - 14th to 21st September 2017 - Maa-tila gallery - Helsinki
- (Personal exhibition) OSCAR - Valenton - France - Espace Camille Claudel - from 2nd to 10th of April 2016
- (collective exhibition) OSCAR - Contemporary Art center - Touzac - Poitou-Charentes from 14th June to 14 July 2014 - France
- (Personal exhibition) ANCRAGE - Gallery La Belle Juliette (with Hotels Paris Rive Gauche) from 14 January to 4 March 2013 - Paris – France
Member of AV-Arkki ry, Kiila ry & ADAGP
Also part of Catalysti & Globe Art Point
- Traverse video catalogue - P.50 & 51 (in French) - 2018
- Interview & article in Länsi-saimaan Sanomat (Finland) for the residency & the Äkkisyvä exhibition (Suomeksi) - 2017
- Retard magazine of 03/11/2014 : Interview Oscar project
- Fisheye Magazine N°7 summer 2014 - Portfolio of 6 pages // OSCAR
- Portfolio - "Oscar" - L'oeil de la Photographie / 6th June 2014
- Portfolio - " Ancrage" - L'oeil de la photographie / 4th January 2014
- N°3 of CHEAP magazine
- lechorepublicain.fr - March 2013
- L'écho Républicain of 28th february 2013 – full page
- Paris.fr / Photo, young photographer category 2013
- Actuphoto.com - January 2013
- Blog of Hôtels Paris Rive gauche - January 2013
- Le Journal de la photographie.com - January 2013
- “Whirl” - Kiila klubi - Museum of Impossible Forms 13.11.24 - Helsinki- «Hiertäviin fantasioihin» - AV-Arkki screening - 10.01.2023 - Cinema Orion - Helsinki
- "Arbres 2.0" VIDS21 video - Lappeenranta - 28.9.–3.10.2021 - Finland
- "Esthautomatisme sonore" Instants Vidéo festival - La Friche de la Belle de Mai - 10th of November 2018 - Marseille / France
- "Esthautomatisme sonore" Traverse Video - Cinémathèque of Toulouse - 8th of March 2018
- ArtArctica Festival – Screening of the movie "You don't exist anymore" co-directed with Minna Nurmi. 11.13 February 2016 - Helsinki - Finland
- Festival POLARIZED! Vision // 20.-22.11.2015 – official competition for the film "You don't exist anymore" co-directed with Minna Nurmi - Rovaniemi, Finland
- Kino Sampo Film Festival – 22nd August 2015 – Screening of the film "The System" - Riihimäki - Finland
- MUSTARINDA Artist-in-Residency Program - Finland - April 2018- AARK Art Residency Program - Korppoo Archipelago of Finland - March 2018
- Äkkisyvä residency - 28th to 6th of September 2017 - Suomenniemi - Finlande